With much relief I have slept through the last few nights with no contractions or leg cramps. Whewwww..... That's a huge relief from the pain I have been waking up with for the last few weeks. Any sleep is great right now and I'm trying to store up my energy as much as possible.
We had a fun night on Friday, ran downtown to check out the big Christmas tree that was lit today. We were there after the massive crowd disbursed which was better then last year when we tried to be part of it. It's much nicer to enjoy it quietly then get stuck standing in a crowd. After the tree Scott remembered that our favorite Cuban restaurant has a late night happy hour. Yummmm!!!! I am trying to savor these spontaneous date moments as I am sure when the baby arrives it will be nearly impossible to run off on a whim like that at 10pm.
We are getting ready to continue work on the baby room. Next up is better lighting and a clothing storage system. It's a lot to fit in a little room but we have experience with that from the 2.5 years we spent in our basement apartment. We added a great rocking chair thanks to G&G. While it isn't the original fluffy look we were planning to buy, this one is a perfect fit for the space and light enough to be moved around to vacuum under.
Tommy has decided that this bouncy chair was bought for him. It arrived the other day care of Aunt Pat and he has been in heaven ever since. We are trying to figure out a way to design a smaller scale kitty version of this. It is basically a cat hammock so I think we can make something similar.
Here's an adorable onesie Scott picked out for the baby with a back hoe on it. He is excited to pick out construction gear and toys for her. He added a seriously adorable dump truck to our baby registry at Eco Baby Gear. I'm not sure what's better, the idea of her playing with the dump truck or seeing how happy it makes Scott to pick these things out for her. The other day at the home and ranch store we saw baby sized Carhart bib overalls just like the ones he wears for work. I see a great photo in the future with the two of them decked out in their overalls.
And a few more shots of the nursery/guest room and the growing belly:)