We've been on a quest. That quest is to find the perfect rocking chair for the baby's room. After consulting with many breast feeding friends we have narrowed our criteria. A chair with no hard edges, plush and comfy, that rocks gently, swivels and either has a rocking ottoman with it or that reclines. The idea here is many comfy nursing/bottle feeding sessions where Scott and I can fall asleep with her in our arms. The two chairs pictured (target and baby r us) are perfect but far beyond our budget.
We set out on this journey weeks ago, confident that we would easily come across what we needed on Craigslist or in the thrift stores. Wow. We were wrong.
Perhaps we were naive to believe we would run across it that easily. There are many beautiful examples of our chair online, but $300-$600 for a chair seems really expensive. Have chairs always been this expensive? Are we just out of the loop on this one?
Tomorrow begins the slow rotation of venturing into local furniture stores looking for a deal. I haven't been to furniture stores since we bought our first "adult" couch and it wasn't a pleasant experience. If any of you have tips on how to haggle or recommendations for stores please let me know.
I stumbled across a phenomenal web site where you can alter your photos to look like a Polaroid. I am obsessed with Polaroids, some of my favorite photos came from our old Polaroid camera. Recently the company has stopped all production of its film. This is depressing, we always kept ours loaded for the occasional shot we deemed worthy enough for a Polaroid. So now, although this isn't quite as satisfying as the original it will tide me over until someone starts making the film again. Here are a few of our altered photos and the web site: Rollip - Create Polaroids And Vintages From Your Photos!
~early on in the pregnancy in Montana

~more recently, I think at 22 weeks

~Jeff at Trillium Lake

~Me and Kate looking much cooler now that the picture is fuzzy

~The ocean, again and again

~Me and lovely Deanna with our straw hats

Tonight I'm thinking of friends and family. To our friend's Big Dog and Jenny I hope the wedding is beyond lovely and all you hoped for. Please know our hearts will be with you and we wish you mountains of happiness even bigger then the one you proposed on:) Also wishing to be able to spend Thanksgiving with family. Saving for the new arrival to our family has put airfare out of reach for time being. How is it possibly almost the end of October!!!! It will be a year since I have been to Chicago to see the family there, last Thanksgiving as a matter of fact. Perhaps we can fly soon after the baby so she can meet everyone.