I guess some of the chicken coop photos are duplicates from a previous post. What can I say...I'm proud of our chicken motel.
A quick runaway day trip to the beach
Check out the braces!
Camping...good times. It's so nice to get out of the city even for a few days. We were camping up on Mount Hood.
This is Timberline Lodge, where parts of The Shining were filmed.
Scott with Jelly, the best camp dog ever.
Jeff, still life with watermelon.
Jeff, Kate, and I took a tour of the American Destroyer USS Shoup during our Fleet Week. This was great since RJ (our youngest brother) is stationed on the USS Fitzgerald, a destroyer almost identical to this ship. It was great to walk through it and get a feel for what his life is like right now.
Scott's mom came to visit and she went hiking with me and Jelly up Powell Butte.
Mt Hood from Powell Butte
Our New Chicken Coop!
Olive is not impressed......
More of the coop
The lovely chickens
Jeff and Kate helping to build the coop
Tommy the cat...don't let him fool you, he's a veteran squirrel killer
Coop Building
The chickens are growing bigger!
Checking things out and giving some pets
Two of the chickens just started laying eggs! Look how small they are compared to our store bought eggs. Their eggs will eventually be full size, but for now they are cute starter eggs.
Here's my summer deck project. We didn't want to spend alot of money and found these chairs for free. Combined with an old table, and some spray paint we've got a new set!
My parent's came to visit for the fourth of July. The temp was 98 degrees here in Portland and 78 degrees at the coast! We packed up their three dogs and Jelly and headed for the cool weather.
Giant Corgi's in a sand castle
My mom and the ocean
Jeff and Kate
Dad and Shilo
Belle's smile:)